Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday A whole new Day!

It is so beautiful outdoors today, I sit here as I am trying to think what to type, and look out my window, watching the morning unfold.  We have chuckers running out in the back of our home, and they make a clicking sound, drives my cats crazy!  They really want that chucker!

I have made a plan to focus more on just a few things, instead of flying all over the Internet.  Number one is to Brand myself.  Put my face, name and my information all over everywhere!  And, if you have no money to invest, you will have a harder time to begin to earn on line, but you can do it.  I am.

 My first site, InBoxDollars, has paid me $40.00 and I will use that money to upgrade one of my backbone programs.  

If you are just joining me, before anything else, sign up for two gmail addresses.  One is for you, friends, family and personal.  Little bit of mail.  The second one is for everything else, sign ups to safelists, TE's, anything that will get more than one email a day!  I made this mistake, my main, favorite email is ruined now, I used it for everything and I get over 1,000 emails a day!  Next, open your notepad, save as  log in info on your desktop, then go and  sign up for InBoxDollars.  Use your second gmail, they send mail.  I downloaded their toolbar, it notifies me of inbox mail, and is easy to go into once a day.  Do not forget to view the video's everyday too.

Next, sign up for TE Toolbox .  This is a must have for on line marketing.  You can track your links, make a rotator for your sites and for your banners, make a splash page and more.  Take your time to read about how to use, and set it up.  Right now you just have the InBoxDollars link, but there will be more.

And, for today, the last thing to join is:  KingdomHits.  This is a new TE and now is a great time to get in, plus the owner is awesome.  There is a forum for members which is great.  Be sure and add that link into your TE Toolbox rotator, then use the rotator for your web site in Kingdom Hits.  Try and surf 100 hits for today.

Now, take a breath, email me if you need help, and we will go on tomorrow, or the next day, your choice.  I have something fun for you next time, great learning site and fun!

Until next time
Bless you in all things you do


Friday, August 12, 2011

I had a lot to say, put it all together in my mine, sit down, and draw a blank!  Hi, my name is Kat or misskat52 or kathyclouse, I prefer Kat.  I have entered the world of the unknown, mysterious and untamed.  A total different culture, a new way to communicate.  In a flash, I can "talk" to someone on the other side of the world! Amazing.  I love it, but, probably like most newbies, I jumped in with no plan, no idea what I was doing, clicked every shiny button, believed every pitch out there.  Then, I became completely confused, couldn't remember what I had joined, spent hours "surfing" and ended up in tears. 

Okay, that was about a month ago.  One day while 'surfing', I saw an ad for CTP, and staying in click mode, clicked it and joined.  But, this was different.  I was told to take it easy, to do the steps, learn each step before moving on to the next one.  I showed up at the TELive meetings, listen to the pro's, asked questions and am learning.  Now all I have to do is cancel all the stuff I signed up for that are meaningless.

I started this blog to share the places I am using, the tips I have learned and to have people join me in this adventure.  Sharing with others, giving back all that I have been given is my hope.

If you are interested in who I am, I have written a little about me on this blog.

"To be able to give freely what was given to me is a blessing"

Stay tuned for more as the circle turns.